Today is your start date
"One year from now, you'll wish you had started today."
I have no idea where I saw this quote, but these simple words are so powerful to me. To begin anything new is the hardest part. Try eating healthy. I had auto excuses that I blurted out over the years. No time, no money, isn't there a holiday coming up soon? Then that holiday just rolls into another one, so there's really no point right now. I truly wanted to eat healthier, and for years I have wanted to eliminate harmful chemicals from my daily use products. Just as soon as one of those desires resurfaced, and the time seemed right, one little excuse would sink the whole ship. Unhealthy habits are impossible to break, or at least that's what I thought.
With dedicated time and effort, and a real start date, I am now eating "clean" foods most of the time. By most of the time I mean: Riley and I believe that we should have a great foundation here at home but we don't want to be those guests from hell who won't eat anything you cook, we still go out for dinner like we use to, we just make better choices, and we love it. I cook meals without gluten, dairy, or sugar. From these changes I am free of symptoms that I thought were normal, for my entire life! Stomach aches, "headache days," feeling tired no matter how much sleep I got. My old lifestyle was like working night shift. You don't know how bad you feel until you make a change. The headaches and nausea decrease, the fog is lifted, and your quality of life increases. Everything seems more balanced. I have never felt so satisfied with life either. I am happier, healthier, more energetic, more motivated. I am the same person, but a better version of myself.
A few of my favorite things, and easiest ways to eat healthy, are pretty obvious: smoothies and salads. I find that I don't waste food when I just toss it all into one of these two things. I pack them with nutrients so that I know what I am eating is working for me, not against me.
My go to ingredients for a smoothie. This week is exciting because I have new ningxia red supplements from young living. They are packed with antioxidants and taste so good!
Dinner for two. We also make our own dressing for salads. Olive oil, apple cider vinegar, dijon, salt and pepper is my favorite. Sometimes I'll add honey to sweeten it up. I ate about six of these eggplant "pizzas" just FYI.
After feeling the positive effects from our new cooking habits, I was inspired to go further. What else could I do to improve? The answer to my question lies in every product that we put on our bodies, daily. Hundreds of chemicals enter our bodies from our soaps, shampoo, toothpaste, detergents, perfume, the list seems endless. We can't control the environmental toxins that we are exposed to, but we can control these daily use products. This seems beyond overwhelming once you think about how many things you will have to change out. I am overwhelmed at times by it.. but it is important to me. This is a priority, so I will do it as soon as I can afford it. I do essential rewards monthly shipments with young living and this month I purchased the cleaner and hand soap. I was able to put some of my old cleaning products into a box that is headed out the door. There's two things off of my list and I could't be happier about it. In my next order I will add a few more.. and you can see where this is going. I will keep chipping away until it is done.
One year from now I can look back and be grateful that today was my start date.
I wish you wellness.
A few small changes go a long way. I just cleaned my whole apartment with a plant derived, essential oil infused all purpose cleaner. That's a mouthful! Bottom line: it is safe. I can't put a price tag on the peace of mind that this gives me.