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How to make an essential oil roller

How to make an essential oil roller


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Essential oils are everywhere in our home now. After a year and a half of using them and seeing results, there is no going back. We use oils to support our bodies naturally and can’t imagine life without these little bottles anymore.

If you are just joining us with your kit, you might hear the term “roller” a lot. Rollers are used as a way for us to dilute our oils, and we would want to do that for two reasons. One is to make the precious oils last longer, really getting a lot more for the value. The second reason is for safe dilution. We want to be diluting the “hot” oils like cinnamon, or eucalyptus to prevent skin irritation. We also want to be diluting safely for children and babies. A great reference guide for anyone using Young Living oils on little ones is the book “Gentle Babies.

I have very sensitive skin so I appreciate rollers for making oils easy to apply safely and also for being pre diluted. A total bonus: rollers are extremely convenient. No counting drops, or waiting for those thicker tree oils to drip, just an easy swipe with the roller top on places like your wrists, neck, behind your ears, down your spine and on the bottoms of your feet.

Here are a few simple steps to make your very first roller and fall even more in love with your new wellness lifestyle.


Step 1: You’ll need the actual roller container, and top. I ordered some really cute ones as a special gift from @whimsyandwellness. There are so many beautiful rollers on etsy, even ones that have gemstone tops or are filled with crystals, but that excitement can be saved for down the road. For beginners, these vivaplex rollers work so well and are really affordable for a set of 6. We keep these in stock to make our daily use rollers, and to give as gifts to people who need oils.


Step 2: Pick a carrier oil. This is a fatty oil (like coconut oil, or olive oil) that will delay absorption of essential oils on our skin. There are so many lovely options out there but here are my 2 favorites. We use one of these depending on what we feel like. We also like to have two choices in case family or friends have any allergies. Fractionated coconut oil (FCO) is my go to. I love coconut oil on my skin, it works really well for me, and the FCO will never harden at any temperature- making it a better option than the regular coconut oil that we cook with. Young Living’s V6 oil is my other favorite. Both of these come with pumps and are so easy to use!


Step 3: Choose your blend. Essential oils can be used together to produce different types of support for us. One of my favorite rollers is a digestive support roller with 10 drops of peppermint and 10 drops of digize in a 10ml roller, topped with carrier oil. This can be rolled on the abdomen as needed. In this case, the alternative would be carrying peppermint, digize, and coconut oil with you for the times that you need it. See why rollers are a must? When making a roller, hold the essential oil bottle upside down over the open roller, watching for the oil to drip out, and counting the drops. A really good rule for adults is 10-20 drops of essential oil in a 10ml roller. For kids, and babies, you would want it further diluted. Once the desired number of drops is in the roller bottle, you can insert the pump of the carrier oil and fill to the top. Place the rollerball top on, and push it down into place. That’s it!

Check the graphic below for other blend ideas with your starter kit oils. We make rollers for everything, head tension, seasonal support, my perfume, my husband’s aftershave etc. Have fun with labeling them, adding your own flare and style to the roller. These are perfect for make & take gatherings with friends, especially during the Holidays.

They are such an amazing way to use oils and so easy to make! I hope you enjoy!

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