The Chapdelaines

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5 healthy(ish) indulgences for the holidays

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The best excuse to ditch all of our health/wellness progress: the holidays. Winter is the perfect time to cozy up with a cup of cocoa, or a plate of cookies. Those indulgences are definitely warranted but they can come at a cost- making us feel lethargic, bloated, and probably the most unhealthy of them all: feeling guilt. I am not a calorie or carb counter, that’s not my thing, and neither are diets. I really try to keep it simple by choosing whole, real foods that were designed for our bodies. I also feel my best when I eliminate gluten, dairy, and processed sugar for the most part.

So while I am 100% on board for indulging, especially when you are spending time with friends & family during the best time of the year, I also know how it feels.. when you change how you are eating and experience digestive or skin issues, less energy, and that overall “slump.” Here’s how I choose to indulge/ enjoy life AND keep up with my health habits during the holidays.

1) Paleo desserts. We love these because of the simple, real food ingredients that make us feel good, even after one serving too many ;) I just google recipes or grab one from my favorite dessert account on instagram @bakeritablog

2) Bulletproof cocoa. I bought this last year and loved it. I mix it with a drop of peppermint oil and warmed coconut milk for the creamiest, most delicious cocoa with some pretty awesome ingredients.

3) Frosting. Yes, frosting :) There are some really great versions now, with less sugar, coconut cream etc. I can eat frosted cookies without the sugar buzz or crash a few hours later.

4) Coffee. This one is always a debate in the health world. Some swear by coffees benefits but others point out the effects of caffeine on our adrenals, the acidity of it, and also the low frequency of everyone’s favorite morning beverage. I truly believe in experiencing joy/happiness as much as possible for our health. Emotions most certainly affect us physically. Which brings me to my point: coffee makes me very happy :) Coffee is not necessarily holiday specific, but all of the mochas/ cinnamon drinks are even more enjoyable this time of year. If I am going to be drinking coffee, I might as well enhance it with ingredients that my body loves. Like coconut oil, cinnamon, and collagen blended together. This is my go to! It is so delicious. Another option is coffee, peppermint nut pods, and some melted chocolate for an indulgent peppermint mocha. So good!

5) Soup. Not really an indulgence, but another one that can go either way. The way I swing it: soup can be a great way to hide veggies, bone broth, and beneficial herbs as long as we are aware of the ingredients. Is there anything better that coming in from a cold day to a bowl of soup?? This is my favorite way to warm up in the Winter months. My favorites are chicken tortilla, chicken tom kha, and a simple vegetable soup.

I have found out that I can eat exactly how I want to, with the intention of nourishing, and not miss out at all during the holidays. It feels like freedom, because I don’t have to “restart” at any time when I stick to what I know fuels my body. I hope this list is helpful for you, and I hope that you enjoy this season in a way that feels good and allows you to experience that freedom as well.

As always, I wish you wellness.