5 ways to better pictures
This title doesn't seem like it belongs on a wellness blog but I'll tell you why it does..
I first picked up a camera about six years ago. I was a med surg nurse living in northern Michigan, and I just felt like I wanted to try something new on my time off. I looked up good cameras to start with, and made my decision to buy a canon rebel. I was not fond of my job so anytime I had downtime I was on blogs reading about photography. I wanted to learn anything I could to take pretty pictures, because it just feels good when you do. It feels creative, and happy and like you captured beauty in a way that you never have before.
Little did I know photography would change how I saw the world. When you are searching for photos, you are pushed to find beauty. Beauty in bad weather, beauty in a puddle reflection, beauty in the way a camera can capture something different than our eyes can. I became grateful for the smallest things, like water drops on a pine branch, storm clouds looming, or morning light beaming in through the window. I stopped and started noticing beauty in the small things. In a sense, I slowed down and smelled the roses. This was more than a new hobby, photography changed my vision. Photography gave me more beauty in my life than I had before my camera. I have met more people, spent more time in nature, and understood that I need to see the world differently, all from the love of taking pictures.
So many people tell me "I would love to pick up my camera again, I would love to learn but I don't have time." I urge you to make the time. Discover this hobby that is only going to improve with time and shutter count. It will change how you see the world, I can promise you that. Here are my top five ways to better photography:
Photography is a beautiful way to grow personally, or if you wanted, professionally. I made the decision after photographing a few weddings that it was not for me. I knew that this was just my special hobby to save for some purpose later. Now it all makes sense.. I get to do exactly what I love, taking product and lifestyle pictures for my blog and business. My path with photography has been a beautiful little blessing in my life.
One photo a day, you can do it.
I wish you Wellness