The Chapdelaines

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Best of Fall

I’m sitting down to write after a morning out collecting the colors. My memory card, and my heart are full.

Mornings for me are usually dedicated to quiet time, reflection, prayer, and reading. Today was different because my husband looked out the window as the sun rose and mentioned that is was “eerie” out. I jumped up to get a glimpse. Fog was actively moving through every scene that was within about a hundred feet, everything else faded to white. I grabbed my sweater and coat and marched out into the new weather delighted to find a bonus, a fine mist and most of the leaves on the ground were covered in gorgeous water drops.

This love for the “Fall feels” comes from a few different things: First, my love of photography. I think all photographers seek out bad weather for dramatic photos, for a different perspective, and for those amazing scenes that a lot of people miss. I also have that whole “cozy obsession” with sweaters, coats, hats, blankets, and wool socks. This of course extends to my joy in making soup or comfort food the second the weather changes and cools down. And last but not least, my Dad. He always placed a positive emphasis on bad weather. What an adventure, get out the blankets, and the candles! A winter storm surely brought on his coziest blanket for the night and stories about his favorite leader of the arctic, Shackleton. As a very young girl he would tell another story to my sisters and I of a family stuck out in a cabin during a massive storm, funnily enough we had plenty of those times in our cabin later on. I love that he did that for me. He taught me, unknowingly, to embrace that crazy weather, and appreciate all of the simple things that are enhanced by it.

Fall brings on some of the most amazing scenes. The change in colors is a beautiful symbolism of our own character being altered by the elements. There surely is beauty in the change that comes from adverse weather, both outdoors and in our own personal experiences.